In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Do you have joy? It is easy to succumb to the daily onslaught of bad, sad news and wither. One of the persistent aims of Satan is to rob us of our joy – to lead us to an attitudinal state of discouragement, helplessness and hopelessness. Advent reminds us […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Do you have peace? When we look at the wars going on in the world – in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia – almost every corner of the planet is touched by one conflict or another – or the natural disasters and mass casualty events – most people […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | A thankful heart is a transformed heart. Sincere thankfulness or gratitude shifts perspective, lifts the spirit, engenders hope and propels action. This is especially true when our thankfulness is solidly anchored in the Lord Jesus who ultimately is deserving of all our thanks. We participate in a transformed life […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | One of the things I’m thankful for during this Thanksgiving season is the promised return of Jesus. There are two general approaches to the subject of the return of Jesus. One approach is to descend into the details of when and how – prediction addiction. The other approach is […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |We do a lot of waiting as human beings. And yet we are often not very good at waiting. We wait when we shouldn’t, (procrastination) or we are in a hurry or we chaff under the strain of understanding God’s timing. What are you waiting on God for? How’s that […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | To be effective in a life of ministry/service, we need to understand the nature of our place as individuals-in-community in Jesus. What is that place, what does it mean? Let’s look at 4 ways individual-in-community ministry manifest itself as described by the apostle Paul. We’d like to stay in […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The gospel, or good news, of God’s love and salvation in Jesus for all humanity, proclaims that we are not just individuals – we are individuals-in-community and the gospel’s pronoun for us is we, us, “one another.” We share a common identity in Jesus, a common destiny in Jesus, […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | What is your mindset? What are your thoughts – how are they and what are they about? What is your thought-life like? God is interested in your mind and heart. He is interested in renewing or replacing your lost mind! He is interested in giving you the mind that […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |What do you value most in this life? Some value money, some, prestige, some power, some to be liked and accepted by others. Some value their family. Generally, there are two basic areas of value – the material, and the spiritual. Whether what you value most is spiritual or material, […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Have you heard the saying: pray as if it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on you? If it depends on you, why bother God with prayer? The statement is not entirely true. It is meant to indicate that we have a part to […]