Whose Image? 2

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Are the challenges of ministry and of the Christian getting too much for you to bear? Do you feel like quitting sometimes? Bearing the image of Jesus in our physical lives has the dual impact of suffering and joy, pain and glory. It is not always easy. It is […]

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Whose Image?

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | In our culture, it seems image is everything. There is a lot of flashes of flesh and fashion almost everywhere mainly projecting youthfulness and perfection. But whose image is important – yours, or Jesus’? Are you living by sight, or by faith?  We’d like to stay in touch SignUp […]

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Hello, Holy Spirit!

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Trinity who enables, affirms and makes possible our knowing relationship of love with God and with each other. The Holy Spirit makes possible our fellowship with God and our walk with him through Jesus, uniting us in Christ and filling […]

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In-Person 11am | Streaming 3pm | Sundays | Why do we respect and care for those who are not like us? Should we? Our differences are best understood and appreciated in the context of our similarities. We are similar more than we are different. Pentecost teaches us that God gave us our similarities and our […]

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Streaming 3pm Sunday | After his resurrection, Jesus interacted with his disciples over a period of about 40 days then finally returned or ascended back to heaven, not to return bodily again up till now. He chose to go up, back to heaven in a visible way the last time he left. It is called […]

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Making Disciples: Are You A Friend?

Streaming 3pm Sunday | A disciple of Jesus is a friend of Jesus. Jesus calls us “friend” and invites us into a relationship of friendship, not only with him, but also with each other through him and his Spirit. Who is a friend? Are you a friend? How do we journey from being friendly to […]

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Streaming 3pm Sunday | A number of times the Bible uses the analogy of sheep to describe the disciples of Jesus, the people of God. Jesus describes himself as the Good Shepherd. What lessons can we learn from the metaphor of the Good Shepherd and his sheep as we participate in Jesus in making disciples […]

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What Does He Mean, Make Disciples?

Streaming 3pm Sunday | The Risen Lord raises you up and sends you out to make disciples in participation with him through his Spirit. What does it mean to “make disciples of all nations”? What or who is a disciple? How do you make a disciple “as you are going”? Let’s look at and try […]

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Streaming 3pm Sunday | The Risen Lord raises you up and sends you out in participation with him in his Father’s business. Jesus bids you “come and go” to others with a message – the good news – of the sacrificial love of God for all and invitation to all into an eternal relationship of […]

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EASTER: He Has Risen With You

Streaming 11am Sunday | Resurrection is restoration and a newness. A rising, and also a change, a be-over! The resurrection is a person – Jesus! Jesus is alive, he is risen. And he is risen with you! Jesus is your resurrection and life. He invites you to a new, victorious, joyous life of love. That […]

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