In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Do you desire a fresh start, especially considering the tumult of life we face currently and routinely as humans? The death, entombment, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is God’s gift of a fresh start, a new person and new life for you. Jesus’ resurrection assures us that God’s love […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Jesus comes to you in joy! His desire for you and his relationship with you is not forced, cumbersome or boring. He comes not only as a Servant King, he comes to us as a Joyful Lord in triumph! And he invites us to share that with him – […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | In Luke 15 Jesus describes not only the prodigal love of the Father and our response in worship and celebration, he also shows the 3 ways we share the love of God with our neighbors. What are these 3 ways that the love of Jesus compels us to share […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Who am I? That is an important question we all ask of ourselves in different, on-going ways. Others may ask us; who do you think you are? How do you answer that question? Interestingly, that question is best answered by answering the more important question: who is Jesus? Let’s […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |The transfiguration describes Jesus’ appearance changing into glory as well as Moses and Elijah, in the presence of Peter, John and James. What is important about the transfiguration for us to understand during this period of Epiphany culminating in Transfiguration Sunday? Let’s consider the beautiful implication for us of Jesus’ […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Why give? Do you give because you are rich and can afford it, or do you give because you are poor but do not really have a choice? What is the true motivation for giving, for sharing? Why is it important? What does Jesus and his apostles say is […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | In Jesus’ economy, being spiritually or economically poor is a blessing if it leads you to depend on him. If it leads you to thoughtfully consider what or who your source of provision is. If it leads you to not look down on others who may be in need. […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Are you a blessing to others in your sphere of influence – your family, your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, the stranger or even your enemy? Is that blessing sourced from Jesus through his Spirit? As a church, are we a blessing to our neighborhood? We have been placed […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | A jubilee – freedom, a fresh or restart for all. That is what Jesus came to give all of us. Both believers and yet to believers are offered a jubilee, freedom, and a life of purpose in Jesus. Are you living your purpose in Jesus? Let’s consider how we […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |Jesus’ vocation or purpose is to do the Father’s will of recreating us, accomplishing a great exchange or reversal. He does so in relationships of love as he reveals the Father’s heart of love for us. He does so by engaging the people around him. He gives us the purpose […]