In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The traditional view of the afterlife is that it is a static situation. In other words, your standing with God is determined forever at the moment you die. However, that view doesn’t correspond with the biblical narrative which describes the afterlife in dynamic terms. Nothing could be further from […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |The fact of the matter is that the church is God’s creation of which the Scriptures tell us Jesus Christ himself is the head. Furthermore, among the many reasons for its existence, at least seven loom large. The Scriptures make clear that participation in the work of the church is […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The term gospel is central to Christian belief and teaching. The word is found in numerous places in the Bible. It refers to the message of the church to the world and means “good news.” The good news announced by the Christmas angel was Jesus himself as God’s gift […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The fundamental dimension of the human experience is the freedom to experience and to explore. In the journey of life is there a greater purpose in the bumps along the way? The answer is that without the bumps and obstacles in the journey of life attaining spiritual maturity would […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | To some the topic of Divine Healing is an enigma or mystery. Does Divine Healing actually occur or is it some sort of deception or illusion? Are “ Faith Healers” legitimate? Why do some people apparently experience miraculous healing and others not? Does Divine Healing depend on how much […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Most people in reading or repeating the Lord’s Prayer merely skim the surface. There is much more to the Prayer than most people realize. We can think of the Lord’s Prayer as Jesus’ his mission statement. As such, Believers can adopt and join Him in the same mission. In […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | According to the Gospel of John (John 20:31), Jesus gave others—especially his followers—numerous signs and miracles as evidence of his Divinity. Most are not mentioned in Scripture. Seven are specifically mentioned and described in John’s Gospel. What were the seven signs/miracles and what do they tell us about Jesus […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Is biblical prophecy important or even relevant? Why not just focus on Jesus and the love of God? One framework organizes prophetic material around the concept of ages.The existence of prophecy is evidence of God’s desire to share details about his plan, purpose and his very nature. In briefest […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The Bible is far more than a moral code of rules and regulations. To believe that the Bible is a requirement for salvation is a mistake. The Holy Spirit together with the gift of the written word is an important key to bringing others into intimate and rich fellowship […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The untold story answers the question of why Jesus waited until the middle of the meal to wash the feet of the disciples and explains Peter’s reaction to Jesus’ washing the disciple’s feet. How does God see us? When God sees us he doesn’t see the warts and blemishes. […]