Joseph, Jesus And You: The Arc Of Mercy

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The story of Joseph, in many ways, has some parallels to Jesus and is a story of mercy. Do you know Joseph’s story? Do you know his shining insight and example of mercy? Joseph is a pointer to Jesus and his mercy toward you. We’d like to stay in […]

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In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Scripture shows that God made provision to save all humanity in his Son, Jesus, out of love. He then calls on each individual to freely/voluntarily accept/respond to this gracious salvation in faith, participating in Jesus’ life and mission of love – his lifestyle of faith, hope and love. What […]

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In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The traditional view of the afterlife is that it is a static situation. In other words, your standing with God is determined forever at the moment you die. However, that view doesn’t correspond with the biblical narrative which describes the afterlife in dynamic terms. Nothing could be further from […]

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Open House: The God Revealed In Jesus 9

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Scripture shows that God made provision to save all humanity in his Son, Jesus, out of love. He then calls on each individual to freely/voluntarily accept/respond to this gracious salvation in faith, participating in Jesus’ life and mission of love – his lifestyle of faith, hope and love. What […]

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Jesus “a-cross” the multiverse

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Recently with “Across the Spider-verse” movie, Sony Pictures popularized the idea of a multiverse. Multiverse is a hypothetical idea that there are multiple parallel worlds. Do you find yourself living different worlds, acting, thinking or behaving differently in church than at work or play? As we continue to grow […]

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In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Scripture shows that God made provision to save all humanity in his Son, Jesus, out of love. He then calls on each individual to freely/voluntarily accept/respond to this gracious salvation in faith, participating in Jesus’ life and mission of love – his lifestyle of faith, hope and love. Will […]

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Remembering And Sharing Our First Love

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | As individuals and a church family of believers, we are called to intentionally remember and share our first love – the love the God placed in our hearts by and for him and for others in his Son Jesus through his Spirit. Our denominational celebration reminded us of that, […]

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Faith, Our Neighborhood, And Skills Camp

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | As a church, a family of faith, why are we determined and excited about engaging our neighborhood? Why are we organizing a neighborhood skills camp for the young people in our neighborhood? Let’s look at 3 very important, faithful reasons why. We’d like to stay in touch. Text LOOP […]

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Before, On and After 9-1-1

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | This Father’s Day, we remember God is more than our 9-1-1. He saw us before we saw Him, He had compassion on us before we sought Him. “For In him we live and move and have our being…” (Acts 7:24) We’d like to stay in touch. Text LOOP to […]

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