As we live in this “already and not yet, time between the times” of trials and triumphs, pains and relief, suffering and joy, death and life, God is with us. The creation groans, we groan, the Spirit groans and God groans with us. Between now and inheriting the done deal of ultimate, abundant, resurrected and […]
Have you ever wondered how it will all turn out – the ebb and flow of life, the struggle with human selfishness and the difficulty of real connections in love? Do you despair of hope, of real, lasting change in the human condition and creation? Despite the turbulent, roller-coaster nature of life with its pains […]
Young people face many kinds of struggles. A lot of these struggles involve other people. However, the most important struggles that our young people face is a struggle within themselves – internal conflicts about how they see themselves, about right and wrong, and about what to do. There is an inner struggle about wanting to […]
God is calling us into his life of love and joy. He is calling us into his mission of bringing sons and daughters into an eternal love relationship and glory in his Son. In Jesus, God is calling you into your purpose as you participate in the identity and life of Jesus. Do you hear […]
When we put our fate, our lives in the Lord’s hands, cast our lot with Jesus, we are never alone. As we accept our identity in Jesus and commit to follow him he never leaves us or abandon us even when we make bad decisions and choices. That’s how much he loves and wants us. […]
When was the last time you caught yourself laughing inappropriately – when the situation did not call for laughter, and felt awkward? When did you last have a belly laugh? When was the last time you laughed with joy? Maybe things have been tough for a while, leaving no reason for laughter. Like he did […]
Are we here by chance? How and when did the world come into existence? These questions occupy a lot of minds as the book of Genesis in the Bible is read with undue focus on a timeline. I believe the better question about Genesis and creation is not how and when, but who and why? […]
What is eternal life? Is it a place? Is heaven eternal life? Is eternal life living forever? What can we say to someone who says, life sucks why would I want to have it for eternity? Let’s take a look at what Jesus says about eternal life. If you are watching from Richardson, TX we’d […]
Many voices out there seek to influence our choices, our mood, our worldview, and our lifestyle. For solutions that last, let’s look at the Comforter, Connector and Coach for our lives who is always available and has our backs for the long haul. If you are watching from Richardson, TX we’d like to stay in […]
Has your heart been troubled during this virus pandemic? Is your heart troubled about this or about other unsettling issues concerning your life or situations concerning your loved ones? Maybe you are facing a health issue other than the virus, or relationship issues, or job and financial issues. Something is troubling your heart. How do […]