In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Have you heard of someone talking about their experience when they went for a vacation, for example a cruise? You believe their story because they are authentic friends, but you’d only feel it when you go and experience it yourself. We have learned that our response to God’s call […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The risen Lord calls us into a new life in him of the Spirit, a renewing love and life that is not business as usual. What does it mean to live a life of business as usual instead of the new life in Jesus? What does yielding to the […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | How do we respond to the renewing love of God we have in Jesus? Do we respond with doubt, resistance, nonchalant, hostility, or do we respond with belief and joyful participation? What does a response of belief and joyful participation in Jesus’ renewed love look like? Let’s consider what […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Do you desire a fresh start, especially considering the tumult of life we face currently and routinely as humans? The death, entombment, resurrection and ascension of Jesus is God’s gift of a fresh start, a new person and new life for you. Jesus’ resurrection assures us that God’s love […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Jesus comes to you in joy! His desire for you and his relationship with you is not forced, cumbersome or boring. He comes not only as a Servant King, he comes to us as a Joyful Lord in triumph! And he invites us to share that with him – […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | God wants you to succeed. He wants you to be a winner. Jesus wants you to live a triumphant life. How can we achieve victory in Jesus? Jesus’ supreme victory on the cross has a significant impact on our lives. We’d like to stay in touch SignUp Here
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | In Luke 15 Jesus describes not only the prodigal love of the Father and our response in worship and celebration, he also shows the 3 ways we share the love of God with our neighbors. What are these 3 ways that the love of Jesus compels us to share […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Do you ever feel like you need to change what you are doing? When people die in pandemics or at the hands of the government, or for no apparent reason, is it because they are worse sinners than others? Do we find ourselves worried about death? Let’s talk about […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Who am I? That is an important question we all ask of ourselves in different, on-going ways. Others may ask us; who do you think you are? How do you answer that question? Interestingly, that question is best answered by answering the more important question: who is Jesus? Let’s […]
In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The untold story answers the question of why Jesus waited until the middle of the meal to wash the feet of the disciples and explains Peter’s reaction to Jesus’ washing the disciple’s feet. How does God see us? When God sees us he doesn’t see the warts and blemishes. […]