In-Person & Livestream  | We observe Good Friday not as a funeral but in acknowledgement and gratitude of the great good the Father, Son, and Spirit accomplished in Jesus on our behalf. We acknowledge our immersion/baptism in Jesus’ death, resurrection and new life, and Jesus as the Bread of Life broken for us, a marking […]

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In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | Jesus gives us the example of emptying himself – not being prideful, grasping onto all his awesomeness, his brilliant glory and power – in order to bring us fully into relationship with Father, Son and Spirit. He detached in order to connect with us. What can we learn from […]

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The Rocky Road to Spiritual Maturity

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays | The fundamental dimension of the human experience is the freedom to experience and to explore. In the journey of life is there a greater purpose in the bumps along the way? The answer is that without the bumps and obstacles in the journey of life attaining spiritual maturity would […]

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Quenching Love

In-Person & Livestream 11am Sundays |  The story of the Samaritan woman on the well, is another reminder of who God is. He is love and he quenches our souls. “When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are […]

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How do we develop a sensitive spirit? Do we really hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? I Corinthians 6:19, 2 Timothy 1:6 When we develop a sensitive spirit, it becomes second nature to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. Matthew 5:13-16. Let us be empowered by the Holy Spirit […]

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